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Start Work with a Play Button

We believe async video will completely change how people work. That change starts here at Loom.

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Loom is the future of work

Hear Loom’s co-founders Joe and Vinay speak to Forbes about how Loom got started and their vision for its future

Loom makes work

At Loom, we believe work is an act, not a place. By separating work from a specific location, we can accommodate a broad range of life choices for team members. You can choose to work from home or work while you travel.

Loom makes work

The way we balance the fast-paced demands of a high-growth startup and sustainability is making rest a priority. We offer a flexible PTO policy, and make sure that rest is a part of the workday, and not reserved for time off.

Loom makes work

The key to a rewarding workday is finding the right ways to balance working together, working async, and using text and video. Loom makes it easier for us to say what we mean and communicate clearly. It frees up time for deep work every day.

Who (and where) we are

We’re an increasingly diverse, distributed team of people with shared vision and shared values.

More about us
Illustrative colorful notes with shapes and patterns

Our Teams

It takes a bunch of groups working together to build Loom. Watch real loommates from each team tell more about what they love working on each day.

Illustrative rainbow circle, rectangle, and squares balancing on each other.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We want to build a culture where everyone has what they need to thrive and where no identity is a barrier to impact. We’re doing the foundational work it takes to make this a reality. We still have a long way to go, but we’re committed to seeing it through.

View our DEI Report
Spoke of circles in various colours and designs to show a distributed team.

Loommates are everywhere

We believe work is something you do, not somewhere you go. You can choose to work from home, a local office in San Francisco or New York, or from the road if you’re the travelling type.

See Where Loommates Are

Awards & Accolades

Open Positions

Atlassian acquired Loom in October 2023 to lead remote-first, asynchronous work. Combining Loom's async video expertise with Atlassian's team collaboration knowledge will drive innovation and empower richer collaboration for customers. Join us in making the impossible possible.

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More than 25 million people across 400,000 companies choose Loom