Does it stay up to date when new contacts are added? seems like it would need to get updated periodically?
Ian Matthews
Mar 11
Yes it updates itself as you add or delete contact records!
Cody Lopez
This is incredible! Thank you for sharing. Am I correct in assuming it will populate your full list of contacts in that property, meaning that if we have 9,000 total contacts in the CRM, it’s showing them all in this dropdown as opposed to only the ones associated to that Deal’s Company, for example? Just trying to think about how our team could use this if they don’t have the name of the Billing Contact memorized, but might know it if they saw it, for example.
Ryan Van Stralen
Mar 6
oh that's sick. took until the end to fully understand what you'd done. I'd been doing something similar with a private app, but your way is much better. ( sales people don't use association labels as easily as properties I'm finding) - can't beleive this isn't a thing already in HubSpot